Dec 11, 2007

StatoilHydro: Third Hassi Mouina well completed

StatoilHydro and partner Sonatrach have completed the drilling and testing of exploration well number three in the Hassi Mouina licence, in the Sahara Desert in Algeria.
The partners have proven and tested gas in Tournaisian sandstones in the Tinerkouk well (TNK – 1)

The rig has moved to the next location, where the fourth exploration well – TMS 1- is being drilled. Several appraisal wells will also be drilled on the earlier discoveries in order to to quantify the volumes with greater certainty.

The Hassi Mouina licence was awarded in June 2004. It comprises four blocks within a 23,000 square-kilometre area in the Gourara basin.
The area is located in the western Sahara in Algeria, north-west of the In Salah gas field.StatoilHydro has a 75% interest in Hassi Mouina. Partner Sonatrach has 25%.

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