Nov 26, 2007

Keppel Wins FPSO Conversion Contract from Prosafe

Keppel Shipyard, a wholly owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine, has been awarded a conversion contract, worth around S$100 million by Prosafe Production.

The contract, signed with Prosafe, is for the conversion of a tanker into a Floating, Drilling, Production, Storage and Offloading facility (FDPSO). This will be the world's first converted FDPSO.

Keppel Shipyard will convert a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) size tanker into an FDPSO constructed with a moonpool used for drilling purposes. It will have the drilling package modules and derrick integrated into the FDPSO. The provision of the drilling packages will be by Prosafe's client.

Work on the vessel is expected to be completed by late 2008. See more details here.

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